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  231 Front Street, Lahaina, HI 96761 808-123-4567


Joseph Wayne Williams was born on February 3, 1959 on the Southeast shores of the peninsula now known as Florida in a small town with a tropical environment know as North Miami Beach at North Shore Hospital. He was introduced to his family Fred (Dad) Pearl (Mom) Freddy (Brother) in a few short years the magical flight of the stork would deliver Jackie (Sister). Although he loved and have a loving family, he and Jackie share a powerful and unique bond. Unknowing to him through many years yet understanding as life went on Jackie was sharing her pure heart, true soul and steadfast love while teaching him the true gift of life, that would eventually allow him to unlock the legend and myth showing the world majestic mermaids do exist. Jackie was in fact the original majestic magical and beautiful mermaid. Possessing the ability to take the form of different women yet remain the same, allowing her to travel through time, sharing her knowledge and truth of life as she has since the beginning of time.

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